Profile PictureJulian Weber

Conversion Rate Optimization Guide

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You want to get more out of your online traffic?

No worries, you are not alone! Actually, 78% of online business are unsatisfied with their conversion rate. [Econsultancy 2016]

Give me 3 minutes and I will explain how you turn your visitors into valuable customers.

When I started as a Conversion Manager - most of my A/B Tests failed. Nothing really increased the conversion rate of my clients.

Looking back it was okay, I was just starting out. However, I always wanted some magic guide which tells me some conversion hacks. 

After countless hours of reading blogs, taking online courses and setting up over 250 A/B Tests, results began to become positive.

Some might argue there are no hacks, no best practices. But after being on the job for over 6 years, let me tell you - there are and not utilizing them means you are losing out on your traffic and your money is left on the table.

For example, it’s always good for your conversion rate:

  • To optimize your page speed, so your users have a smooth experience
  • To test your site on all major devices and in all common browsers
  • To have a unique value proposition which resonates with your audience
  • To recommend products on your 404 Page
  • To add a security theme to your checkout
  • To utilize up-sell, cross-sells, sub-sells and post-purchase offers to increase your average order value
  • ...

I could continue this list for hours and actually, I did. In this Conversion Rate Guide, you will find 101 slides of my proven concepts to improve your overall conversion rate and ultimately your online revenue.

This Guide is for you to take a short cut. Save yourself the 6 years of expensive testing and hours of studying the topic. I am not saying that everything will work. But you get 101 slides full of tips, some will certainly work for you.

On the Agenda are:

  • General UX Improvements
  • Theory of Human Psychology
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Tips for your Product Pages
  • Checkout Optimization
  • Bonus Tips

The best part, this is the 1st Edition. You will receive lifetime updates. Every time I add new content, you will receive the new edition. Next, I plan to add a chapter with real A/B Tests results. So stay tuned 😉

Your benefits in a nutshell:

  • You will be able to increase your website / online shop performance with these proven tips. Without losing a lot of time and money on random testing.

  • It is extra short and simple for all busy business owners like you. One idea per slide as you can see in the preview. (Click right on the arrow)
  • Spend your valuable ⏰ on growing your business and developing new products, instead of worrying about bad customer experience.
  • You get access to 45 links to external resources which helped me over the years to grow the business of my clients.
  • You will have no more bad feelings about missing out on conversion opportunities, simply put these optimizations in place and watch your online revenue grow.

After all, you gain access to new ideas, which potentially increase your conversion rate. For just $19.90, that’s less than buying a new shirt 👕 and think about it - an E-Commerce Consultant costs $220 per hour.

If you not convinced by now you can get the FREE guide first here:

I am happy to answer any questions, just send me a message:

Have fun optimizing your site!

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Conversion Rate Optimization Guide

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